What Should I Consider When Buying a Stacker Machine?

What Should I Consider When Buying a Stacker Machine?

Stacker machines are designed for lifting and transporting heavy loads, finding applications in various areas including warehouses. They enable efficient savings in both time and labor, making them almost a necessity in today's fast-paced environment. However, there are crucial factors to consider when purchasing a stacker machine to ensure it meets your expectations. You can find these considerations detailed in the continuation of our article.

Quality of the Stacker Machine Regardless of the area you're considering, prioritize quality. When researching stacker machine options, you'll find a plethora of choices. Opting for high-quality options is of paramount importance. Established and reputable brands/companies with a recognized reputation for quality should be your primary choice. This ensures that the selected machine will provide safe and trouble-free operation over an extended period.

Weight of the Load to be Lifted One of the factors to focus on when selecting a stacker machine is the weight of the load to be lifted. The lifting capacities of different machines vary. During the selection process, you should opt for options capable of lifting loads of the required weight.

When considering the load, it's essential to not only account for the present needs but also anticipate potential future requirements. This prevents any issues arising in the future where the chosen machine's lifting capacity might be insufficient.

Dimensions of the Load Similar to the load capacity, stacker machines also have specific capacities concerning load dimensions. The size of the load to be lifted is a significant determinant. If there are variations in the dimensions of the loads you need to lift, adjustable fork options might be more suitable. This allows you to make adjustments to the fork section based on the load you're handling, effectively meeting your requirements.

Maximum Lifting Height of the Load One of the most crucial features of stacker machines is their ability to lift loads to desired heights. Especially in warehouses utilizing rack systems, this feature enables the easy placement of heavy loads onto shelves. When making your choice, consider how high you need to lift the loads. Stacker machine variants can lift loads to heights such as 160 cm, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m, and 3.5 m.

Width of the Operating Area The width of the area where loads will be lifted and the characteristics of the floor must be taken into account during the selection process. Especially in narrow spaces, it's essential to opt for solutions that are compatible with such conditions. Additionally, the wheels of the chosen option should be in sync with the floor, ensuring no safety risks arise.

Expectations and Needs Lastly, your expectations should guide your choice. While there are significant similarities among the functions of stacker machine models, there can be differences in their operational methods. For instance, while a manual stacker machine relies on human effort, a semi-electric stacker machine operates using electric power. Similarly, weighing stacker machines not only transport loads but also weigh and determine their weight. Hence, it's crucial to consider your expectations and other needs when making your selection.

When chosen correctly, a stacker machine will cater to your needs in this field for an extended period. Additionally, it will allow substantial savings in both labor and time.
